Friday 22 November 2013

Filming day 6

18th November 2013

On Monday the 18th November, I went out and re-filmed the beginning and end to my music video. The reason I did this was to make the video fit together more as there wasn't really a story to why both of my characters had started to fight. In my lesson that day I was trying to come up with an idea that would be able to explain why a gang appears in the video at the end and from watching a variety of TV programmes the idea I had was to tie this group in with drugs. From looking at stereotypes and how this idea would work, I have been able to look into people like Al Capone who was a well known criminal in the 1920's, leading to him being investigated by the police at the time for the illegal sale of alcohol. Expanding on this I was then able to see that my video could work.

The first scene we filmed that night was the gang scene. This went well as I was able to take photographs for my album cover as well as filming the ending to the video. When filming Danny and Lewis who made up the gang stood off to the side and spoke to each other, whilst Jack took the lead along side Max and Chloe. The idea here was that Max was trying to stop Chloe from getting herself into trouble, ending up with it being him fighting for his life. Even though I think it went well, I want to get some more shots of Max and Chloe at this point, so I will be arranging to film some additional shots including just the two characters, but it the same place.

A screen shot of the fallout.

The other scene I had to re-do here was part of the start where both characters fall out. This worked a lot better this time round as there was more of a story as to why they were arguing, in this case it was the drugs Max had seen Chloe with. I also liked the fact it was more natural this time around due to both characters interacting when Max came into the house. In this case it was with each other and with the dog.

Original image.

The photographs I took were also successful as I only had to direct one person at a time once they were in position. From the image you will see that I had to make sure Max was looking away from Chloe when she was looking at him. And I had positioned Jack in the background as he wasn't the main focus, however he can be seen.

This image later became the back cover to my photo album.

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