Saturday 14 December 2013

Filming Day 7

Day 7

After editing my footage yesterday, I decided that it would be a good idea to go out and get footage of Chloe and Max.

For this I wanted to capture the memories they would have had as a couple before it all went wrong in the story. It also meant that both Chloe and Max could act naturally around each other without worrying about what they were doing and without thinking about the camera being infront of them.

When I began to film I just focussed on Max who was smiling and joking around, this was good for me to capture as it shown him in his happy state. The clip shows Max to be dancing and performing to the camera and by not having Chloe present here it looks as though she could be filming him, this worked exceptionally well when Max sang to the camera as well as coming right up to the lens.

I later got both characters to sit together and it was here that Max began to make Chloe laugh, showing them to have nautural body language when they are around each other. It also worked well as there were different shots that I have used including a zoom and close up which means I will be able to seperate these shots when I am editing my video.

I have also got different footage of Chloe and Max apart from each other which again in parts looks as though one or the other has filmed their 'partner'. This works well as the video is all about them, making it more personal and the video more effective. Shots I have used here have been close ups and medium long shots. This can be seen more when I have focussed on Max playing pool.

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